Parents supporting teachers is the largest LAUSD based parent advocacy group with over 26,000 supporters.
Active Cases (total for all schools)
Positive cases among staff and students – the number of staff and students that have recently tested positive for COVID-19 and are considered “active” cases that are in isolation.
Regional and LAUSD Average Case Rate (daily increase in cases/100,000)
Staff and Student Case Rate – 7-day rolling average of daily cases per 100,000 students and school-based staff across the entire district.
Estimate of schools with with the highest percentage of cases based on 2020-2021 enrollment
In-school transmission highlighted in red means: Positive test cases were determined to be epidemiologically (epi)-linked through contact tracing. Two cases may be epi-linked when they were both present in the same setting during the time period while either or both were infectious.